Sunday, September 28, 2008

Movie Night III - "Live Action... why?"

Because it's awesome.

This Friday (Oct 3rd) is the third movie night of the season. Again there will be kool-aid; again there will be popcorn; again there will be fun. We have a double bill featuring "Super Mario Brothers" and "Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles". Common theme: "Live Action!"... and the many reasons why it's a bad/fantastic idea.

Where: Buchanan D 222 (I know this is last minute, but our request only just got through the system) I will be at SUB 211 to redirect people.
When: 5.30 and on (usually we go 'till 10-10.30ish, but feel free to wander in/out as you please)

Soooo come one come all, everyone's welcome... fun will be had!!! I might even bring out the bubbles again.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Friday Night Chill-out.

Two Points of Order:

1) This Friday (Sept. 25th) will be a relaxing night of trivia, coffee/tea/chocolate, and... pixie stix... so we can all get to know each other a little bit better!

Where: Headquarters (ie The office, SUB 125E)
When: 5.30pm to whenever we get tired
Final Destination: the Starbucks in the SUB (if you can't make it at 5.30 this is where you'll find us)

2) Mark your calendars! Next week (Friday, Oct. 3rd) is the 3rd Movie Night of the season!
Further information pending.

Where: TBA
When: 5.30 and on.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

BBQ CANCELED DUE TO ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS... i.e. we thought it would stop raining, but no such luck.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can You Say BBQ?!

Exciting news: Saturday, September the 20th is the First Annual SFS BBQ!!!!!*

Where: Jericho Beach
When: 1 pm and on

There will be kool-aid; there will be bubbles; there will be fun. So load up on goodies and prepare to spend a relaxing afternoon at the beach, surrounded by kindred spirits.

*(Please note it's a BYOM (Bring Your Own Meat... and or Barbeque-able foodstuff) event.)

PS Movie Night is on this Friday, see previous post for details.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Movie Night II

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, welcome to the second Movie Night of the season! It will be a kool-aid riddled extravaganza featuring the cult classics "Highlander" and "Flash Gordon". Common theme? Queen soundtracks!!!

Where: SUB 211
When: 5:30 this Friday (Sept 19th)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Activity Night Numero Uno!

Tonight is the very first Activity Night of the SFS. There will be trivia, there will be pixie stix, there will be Godzilla... if I figure out how to work the VCR... point is: there will be fun. As always, all are welcome.

Where: SUB 211
When: 5:30 onwards