So cool. Someone please show up at a Christmas party looking like this!
The Electronic Home of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Society of UBC
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Holiday Notions: The festive snowflake
Because we know that you all loved the Star Wars Christmas Special and are searching for a way to express your feelings, we've found a special craft project that you can do...
Just fold a square of paper in half, then in half again, then in half again, stick one of these templates over top, and cut out the black bits. Here's a link to the website we stole the idea from:
Expect to see some of these in the club room soon!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Double Tron! All the Way!
As our fearless leader Eka mentioned on Friday, there is a special holiday-time movie event in the works. On Dec. 17, (a Friday, incidentally) Tron Legacy comes out in movie theatres. Who wants to watch the original Tron together, then head out as a group to see the new one??
Email to let us know if you're up for it. Once we know how many people want to go, we can sort out buying your tickets in advance and decide on places and times.

Let us know!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Holiday Movie Smackdown

This Friday at 5:30, after a game of Quidditch that will run from 4:30 to 5:30, a truly momentous movie night will take place. Assumptions will be challenged. Feelings will be hurt. Minds will be blown.
Lo these many years (at least three years, I think), the SFS has observed the holiday tradition of watching Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and Plan 9 From Outer Space as a double bill. It all started because our former president happened to own copies of both movies on DVD.
This year, our So Co Peter has stirred up some dust by suggesting that we do away with Plan 9, partly because it is truly awful, and partly because it is not Christmas-themed (or Kwanzaa-themed, or Hanukkah-themed, or Ramadan-themed) in any way. He opened up the floor to suggestions for a more festive movie, and there have been some requests for the Star Wars Holiday Special. The only thing in existence that might be of lower quality than Plan 9 From Outer Space.
I'd like to see some spirited debate about this. Present your arguments. What are the relative merits of one vs. the other? I suggest that Gremlins, Chopping Mall and Elves be added to the general tussle. Each one has certain things to recommend it - evil curses, rampaging kill bots, and Nazi science experiments.
With all that in mind: LET. IT. BEGIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!
(Please note that Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is mandatory, and not debatable. To truly experience the tradition, you must watch the movie in advance by following this link to YouTube. That way you will know to cringe at the right moments. That is all.)
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