Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Cycle Begins Anew

It is that time again. Winter session 2011/2012 is upon us. We're all busy people during this part of the year: situating ourselves in and around campus, buying books, performing last minute add/drop scheduling gymnastics. And as the cogs of this reawakening academic machine slowly begin to groan and grate against one another, what better way to grease them than taking the afternoon off and reconnecting with that trusty old warhorse, the UBC Science Fiction Society?

Tomorrow (Monday, September 5th) at 1pm, we will be meeting at Trimble Park for the first official SFS event of the year. There will be food, there will be board games, there will be physical exertion to get all your pretty little endorphin glands pumping like mad. And, most certainly, there will be good company. This is terribly short notice, I know, but I'm just arriving in Vancouver myself (and let's be honest - nobody reads this thing anyway.)

For the record, I am Myles, SFS Vice President and shameless figurehead. I'll be updating this blog throughout the year with news, events, funny internet things, awesome internet things, propaganda, and whatever else. We lost the better part of our SFS administrative body to graduation last May, and most of us in charge are terrifyingly new at this. Hold on tight.

And a note to those readers who are not members of the SFS: chances are (if you're reading this blog at all, in fact) you discovered the Science Fiction Society in the UBC club book and were all "wtf is this shit" and found yourself here one halfhearted Google search later. Perhaps you're a new student here, or a veteran student who just happens to have an extra flourish of extracurricular curiosity this year. Maybe you're a longtime member who is suffering from a severe case of amnesia. Whatever the circumstances: you are quite welcome to join in. Drop by the clubroom, or slip quietly into one of our movie nights. See what you think.

At it's heart, SFS is an informal conglomeration of people who tried growing up, and then, upon some consideration, decided it wasn't really for them. If you want the security of knowing that all your Star Wars references will be caught, or that people around you will 'get' your t-shirt with a meme on it, or that any discussion you open on the subject of Harry Potter, or the Legend of Zelda, or steampunk, or Firefly, or jetpacks, or internet culture, or dinosaurs will be easily carried in excess on one hour, this is a community you will like, and we will probably like you, too.

If you're interested and would like SFS news and events to come to you, send an email  to and ask to be put on the email list. Or you could read this blog! I get ever so lonely.