Friday, October 16, 2015

Vancouver Events Roundup

With Halloween right around the corner, spooky stuff is all the rage. Guillermo Del Toro's much anticipated gothic horror move Crimson Peak officially comes out today, and the Vin Diesel vehicle (no pun intended) The Last Witch Hunter on tap for theatres next Friday.

Halloween night (Saturday, October 31) will see the popular horror-comedy podcast Welcome to Night Vale bring its live show to Vancouver. In fact, it will be right here at UBC's Chan Centre for the Performing Arts! I can't think of a better way to spend Halloween night. The Night Vale novel will also be available by then, so it might be a good time to head to your book retailer of choice as well.

While it's not really sci-fi or fantasy related, I know there are a few of you who are fans of The Room. Star Mark Sestero will be at The Rio Theatre November 20 for a screening of the cult classic, a live reading of Tommy Wiseau's original script, and showing of his new film Dude Bro Party Massacre III. Can't go wrong with a title like that!

That takes us through into November. This is your VP Hunter saying: I need a witty sign off signature.

- Hunter