Thursday, December 1, 2011

Movie Night: Christmas Roulette

It's finally over. The midterms, papers, and projects of November have run their grisly course, like the ravages of some terrible academic disease. And to celebrate: a final movie night to end both the week and the term.

This Friday's theme is horrendous Christmas movies, and horrendous movies in general. The first film of the night is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, and the second is to be decided by an insidious device that Hunter refers to as his "Christmas Roulette." This contraption will select at random one of the many films that are too terrible for us to propose for viewing without deferring responsibility to the impartial hand of random chance. The candidates include such gems as The Room, Mega-Shark vs. Giant Octopus, Dungeons & Dragons, Samurai Cop, and The Star Wars Holiday Special. God help us all.

Time and place are 5:30pm and Buchanan B213, respectively.

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