Monday, March 21, 2011

It's the final countdown!

We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell?

Look it up. And get pumped. Cause we're heading into the final stretch of this term, and we still need people to run for the key club leadership positions. If you've ever dreamed of being President, Vice President, Treasurer or Mascot of the SFS, all you have to do is send us an email and you will be in the running! If no one steps up, we're kind of screwed!

Other reasons to get pumped up this week include:
Foam sword fighting! Wednesday at 11:00 am and Saturday at 1:00 pm. Meet in the club room and go fight in a field.
Quidditch! Friday at 4:30 pm, an hour before the movie starts. Meet in the club room and go fight in a field.
Movie night! Friday at 5:30 pm in Buchanan D201. Meet at the room, or in the club. This week's movies are
Eragon and the animated Lord of the Rings. Both highly mockable, so it should be a good time.

Come crawl out of your study caves for a bit and be entertained!