Thursday, March 29, 2012

Movie Night: Deadly Races

Ah, and another year has already come to a close. This Friday marks the last movie night of Winter term 2012, and that means the theme of the evening is, in keeping with tradition, "decidedly irresponsible motoring."

Heading up the bill, of course, is the classic  Death Race 2000, in which men in psychedelic battle-convertibles and silly helmets race across America in the far-flung dystopian future of twelve years ago. Seventies sci-fi/action cinema at its finest.

And to accompany it, we have the mindbending anime Redline, another film about all the ridiculously dangerous racing that will very definitely happen in the future. That aforelinked trailer looks like it would be right at home on a 90's arcade machine with a flashing INSERT COIN subtitle, and I mean that as the highest sort of praise.

Having seen neither of these myself, I'm rather excited. As usual, the appointed time and place is Buchanan 215 at 5:30pm. See you there.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Movie Night: Universal Classics

It's every-other-Friday again. Tonight we're honoring the 100th anniversary of Universal Studios by choosing two of their classic films: Frankenstein followed by Back to the Future.

Buchanan 215 at 5:30pm.