Monday, September 14, 2015

The Year's First Delectable Double Feature

Hello folks!

VP Hunter here again. On the very off chance that some of you are using this blog as your primary source of club news, be it known that the details of the movie night for this Friday, September 18, 2015 have been released! This week we'll be taking a trip into worlds of stunning fantasy with two movies with titles that start with the letter "S." Spirited Away is arguably the quintessential Studio Ghibli film, about a young girl transported into a strange world of ghosts and otherworldly spirits. Then we come crashing down to earth...uh, in a good way...with Stardust. It's a fun fantasy filled with romance, witches, and pirates, and if you haven't seen it, it comes highly recommended from yours truly. Meet us in Buchanan B213 at 5:30pm for a night of high adventure!

In other news, the SFS Office Hours have been sent to our mailing list and posted on the Facebook page. If you want to hang out with me specifically, you can catch me taking over the reins on Mondays from 2-4pm and Fridays from 2pm until the movie night starts. If you haven't checked out our club room yet, (Room 3206D in the Nest) I highly suggest you do. See our huge library, watch some Godzilla movies on VHS, play some Nintendo, or sit quietly and do some homework. The room is located within a larger common area, where you can hang out with our close friends at the Wargamers and Anime Club. Other geeky clubs, including the Mah Jong Club, UBC eSports, Magicians and Illusionists, and Origami Club also share this area! I'm sure it will become your home away from dorm on campus.

Keep your eyes on this blog and I'll type at you again soon.

- Hunter

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